What is digital screen network?
A £12 million investment to equip 240 screens in 210 cinemas across the UK with digital projection technology to give UK audiences much greater choice.
How can it help inderpendant producers and exhibitors like picturehouse?
Because it allows exibitors like picturehouse to have a wider range of films as they do not cost as much. Digital screening cuts the cost of releasing films. (a digital copy costs around one tenth of a 35mm print). Also the quality of the films when copied from the original source never fades.
What will it mean for audiences?
It means that audiences will be able to go and see more films at the same cinemas as the prices will be reduced as the film cost is a lot less than it is on a film real.
How does it impact on YOUR film consumption?
It lets me view a wide range of films, and a lot more frequently as the prices of viewing films would be cheaper. I would also then be able to see independent films that I might not have been able to view before.
What will this technology also provide cinemas? (audiences/alternative viewing)
This technology will bring in bigger audiences and therefore larger profits and a wider varied audience.
What can you suggest this might mean for other technologies?
Clear and concise responses Fin. Can you add in a bit more about technology for Q5 though? What can the cinemas show with a digital projector that is not a film?