Wednesday, 28 April 2010

• How did you attract/address your audience?

Firstly our thriller film attracts a wide audience because it is a mainstream film. Being a mainstream film it will be advertised on a vast scale within the commercials on television, trailers on the adverts when you see other films, radio, magazines, and the internet that many people have access to in the modern world of technology. Having a mainstream film means that it can be recognised easily. The internet can be a good thing for distributing our film wider and advertising it. But it can also be a threat to the film because of illegal downloading. I am part of the target audience so I know what types of films I like to spend time watching. Our film consists of drugs and a venerable isolated child. Hope fully the film will attract people who have an interest on these subjects and would inspire them to do something about these problems. Our film is set in a recognisable place if you live in and around Norwich, but on the other hand the audience might not recognise the setting of the film. Either way we have made the film to be attracted by the audience research results where we found that the best locations would be unknown for a thriller as the audience won’t know what is coming next impacting on the confusion of the thriller.

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