Friday, 5 February 2010

Questionnaire Results

I used a questionnaire which I handed to a sample group of ten, 15-18 year olds I chose the group because firstly it was easier to ask these people as my fellow students are all in that age range, 15-18 are a major target market for cinemas and for the film industry (they are more frequent cinema-goers than 35-40yr olds, for instance) but also I have chosen this age range as I am also in this age range and my ideas for the thriller will be biased towards that age range and therefore I want to see if other people from my age range have similar ideas.

My respondents reactions to the questionnaire;-

1) What is your favorite sub genre of a thriller film..?
My respondents responded with around 20% Action, 20% saying science, no one said fiction, 40% said crime, no one said drama and 20% said Horror.

2) Do you prefer a slow pace film or a fast pace..?

My respondents responded to this question with 80% saying they prefer a fast paced film to a slow paced film where only 20% chose that option. The results from this question that the intended audience do not like slow paced films such as ‘Insomnia’ and ‘Psycho’ but in stead they like fast paced films such as ‘Leon’

3) What is your preferred location for a thriller film..?
My respondents answered quite evenly with all the options around 30%- An Unknown place 30%- Familiar place 10%- Foreign 30%- Out of this world 30%

The results of this question show that if a familiar location is used then therefore it is less thrilling as you know the location and know whether it is thrilling or not.

4) What time period do you prefer a thriller to be set..? 20% of my respondents chose the option - Future. 20% of my respondents chose the option - Past. 50% of my respondents chose the option - Present. 10% said that a Famous historical event would be the best setting for a thriller.

This results of this question I think show that the present is the best setting for the film ( films like ‘Leon’ and ‘Layer Cake’ )I think this is so because it will be more thrilling if it is within the present day as it is more believable and therefore you will be more thrilled.

5) What aspect of a thriller film do you think is most important? 10% of my respondents said Lighting (lighting is very big in films like ‘Third man’) 40% of my respondents said that Sound is the most important aspect in a thriller film. (In ‘Insomnia’ and ‘Leon’ the sound is used to the maximum potential and brings another aspect to the films.) A massive 50% said that Props / costumes is the most important aspect to be included in a thriller film.

The results of this question I think will help me when I start to plan and edit my thriller film project. As I will take all these aspects in to account but to keep most of my interest on sound and the props and costumes.

6) Finally I think one of the most important questions in my questionnaire - What is the main thing you are expected to see in an opening to a thriller film? 30% - A short part of the storyline setting up the rest of the film. 20% - A sequence of clips setting the scene. 40% - Introduction of a character. 10% - To confuse the spectator therefore making him/her want to watch the rest of the film.

The results from this question will come in to mind when I start to plan for my thriller film project as, the answers to this question can completely change my ideas! In ‘Leon’ there is a part right at the beginning of the film that sets the scene with a establishing shot, and straight after that the film introduces the main character very well.

Overall the Questionnaire has opened many other windows for directions of the way the film planning direction will go, as I will take in to account all the aspects that have high percentages in the results.

1 comment:

  1. i have changed it and the other two things you have asked me to do are in progress
